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How to Register Your Colombian Property on the RNT Portal: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you're considering renting out your property in Colombia through platforms like Airbnb or other short-term rental services, it's essential to comply with local regulations.

May 14, 2024

If you're considering renting out your property in Colombia through platforms like Airbnb or other short-term rental services, it's essential to comply with local regulations. One of the key requirements is registering your property with the National Tourism Registry (Registro Nacional de Turismo, RNT). This registration not only ensures you're operating legally but also enhances your property's credibility among potential guests.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of registering your property on the RNT portal, step by step.

1. Access the RNT Portal

Begin by visiting the RNT website. On the homepage, select the "Register" option to start the registration process.

2. Create an Account

  • Identification: Provide your identification details. If you're a registered merchant, use your Tax Identification Number (RUT). If not, use your personal ID number.
  • Personal Details: Fill in all the required personal information, including your full name, contact information, and any other requested details.

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3. Accept Terms and Conditions

  • Notifications: Agree to receive notifications via email. This is crucial for receiving updates about your registration status and any important communications.
  • Confirmation: Check your email inbox for a verification link sent by the RNT portal. Click on this link to activate your account.

4. Log In and Add Your Property

After activating your account, log in to the RNT portal.

  • Property Details: Enter comprehensive information about your property. This includes the physical address, technical capacity, number of rooms and beds, and any other relevant details that describe your rental.
  • Horizontal Property: If your property is part of a horizontal property regime (such as a condominium or apartment complex), provide the necessary details related to the property's administration and governance.

5. Adhere to the Code of Conduct

  • Social Responsibility: Commit to the Code of Conduct that focuses on preventing the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. This is a mandatory step reflecting Colombia's commitment to responsible and ethical tourism practices.

6. Await Confirmation

  • Processing Time: Your registration will be reviewed by the Chamber of Commerce, which typically takes up to five business days.
  • Extended Timeframes: In certain jurisdictions, like the Tourist and Cultural District of Cartagena de Indias, the review process may take up to 15 business days due to additional verification requirements.

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7. Update Your Listings

  • RNT Display: Once approved, you'll receive your RNT number. It's important to add this number to your property listings on all platforms, including Airbnb and other rental websites.
  • Compliance Deadline: Under Law 2068 and Decree 1836, properties without an RNT number are prohibited from being listed on digital platforms. Ensure you complete this step to avoid any legal issues or removal from these platforms.

8. Special Considerations

  • San Andrés, Providencia, and Santa Catalina: Properties located in these areas require additional permissions. You must obtain authorization from the Departmental Tourism Secretariat before registering with the RNT.
  • Islands and Special Zones: For properties in areas like Isla Fuerte, Islas del Rosario, and other designated zones, the Chamber of Commerce will coordinate with the District Mayor's Office to verify land use and property compliance.


Registering your property with the RNT is a vital step in legitimizing your short-term rental business in Colombia. Not only does it keep you compliant with national laws, but it also builds trust with guests who are increasingly mindful of legal and ethical considerations when booking accommodations.

If you require assistance with the registration process or managing your short-term rental, our real estate consulting and rental management experts are here to help. Contact us today to ensure your property is fully compliant and optimized for success in Colombia's vibrant tourism market.

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